Rock Steady Boxing

The Mid Coast  Rock Steady program has gone virtual. We are hosting classes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:30pm until 3pm. If COVID is preventing you from hitting the gym and  you want a great work out safe at home feel free to join the fun. The classes are held on zoom so all you need is a computer/tablet, space to move, and maybe a chair to help with balance or to do an exercise seated. During these hard times while the class is being held on zoom the program is free and all are welcome. If you are interested please email Zachary Hartman at . At that point your name will be added to the email list to receive the zoom invites. The zoom classes are opened at 1:00pm for those that just want to come socialize for 30 minutes before class starts at 1:30.

Thanks, Zach

Zachary Hartman
Clinical Exercise Physiologist
Midcoast-Parkview Health
Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab
Running Start
Rock Steady Boxing

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